Activate Microsoft Office 2016 Without any software just a simple batch file
Note: Copy the code in red font and paste it i notepad the save the file to FILENAME:ACTIVATOR.BAT SAVE AS TYPE: ALL FILES
@echo off echo "Greetings" PAUSE SET x86BITPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs SET x64BITPATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs echo "Activating windows, you must click OK in the popup window" slmgr -ato echo "Checking Windows Activation status, you must click OK in the popup window" slmgr -dlv echo %x86BITPATH% echo %x64BITPATH% IF EXIST "%x86BITPATH%" ( echo "Office 2016 32 bit is installed, activating..." cscript "%x86BITPATH%" /act cscript "%x86BITPATH%" /dstatus GOTO :END ) ELSE ( echo "Office 2016 32 bit does not seem to be installed" ) IF EXIST "%x64BITPATH%" ( echo "Office 2016 64 bit is installed, activating" cscript "%x64BITPATH%" /act cscript "%x64BITPATH%" /dstatus ) ELSE ( echo "Office 2016 64 bit does not seem to be installed" ) :END echo "Windows and Office should be activated now" PAUSE